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과제 & 연구자

과제 & 연구자

20-1_Jean Bouffard_이화여대.jpg

Jean Bouffard

소속기관 이화여자대학교 나노과학과

선정연도 2020년

연구실 홈페이지

유기촉매에 의한 탈산소화 다이카보닐-올레핀 복분해

Synthetic organic chemistry provides a growing global population with the chemicals it needs to thrive: pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and materials for construction, engineering, transportation or electronics. However, the chemical industry is overly reliant on fossil fuels, and in particular crude oil, as the ultimate feedstocks to produce nearly every organic chemical or material. Reliance upon platinum-group metals, which are among the least

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